This Section has been introduced to notify visitors about special modifications to the Web Site. It will be updated when new material will be inserted or if special events will occour.

26-11-02: A good new! I won the public competition for one position as Full Researcher - III Livello Retributivo at I.N.G.V.. The day of the victoria mirabilis. Click here for further details.

January 2003: Another good new! My paper " Solving dynamic rupture problem with different numerical approaches and consitutive laws " by A. Bizzarri, M. Cocco, D. J. Andrews and E. Boschi, published on Geophisical Journal International in 2001 has been cited in the Second Edition of the book " Quantitative Seismology " by K. Aki and P. G. Richard ( Chapter 11: The seismic source: dynamics, p. 590 ). That is the " Bible of Seismology ".

12-01-03: The new cathegory of Events has been added to Images page within the Download Section. Users can found here some photos about special events, like ceremonies, parties and so on. Click here for further details.

20-01-03: Within the Download Section a new link has been added. In the page referred I have inserted all the references used in my scientific papers. The main topics of these references are focused on fault mechanics, stress iteractions, dynamic models and numerical methods. Click here for further details.

February 2003: O2 starting count down.

-03-03: We are moving into the new offices. I' m leaving the Settore di Geofisica at the Dipartimento di Fisica of the Universitą degli Studi di Bologna and I' m transferring into the Sede di Bologna of the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. My corresponding address is changed and you can click here for further details.


8-04-03: The new version of my code FD_3D ( IA - 32 ) is released. The most important modification is that the code is now able to solve the fully dynamic, spontaneous, truly 3 - D elastodynamic equation adopting rate - and state- dependent friction laws on the fault. The code has been heavy tested on different hardware platforms.


1°-07-03: Within the Download Section a new page has been added. In this page I have inserted material from my teaching activity. Click here for further details.


1°-09-03: Official professional engage as Full Researcher at the I.N.G.V..


26-09-03: This Web Server is reachable on the Internet also with the followind DNS name:


7-10-03: Is now possible for all visitors examine statistics for this Web Site. Reports are generated by Analog 5.32 for Win32. Click here for further details.


15-03-05: The new version of my code FD_3D ( IA - 32 ) is released. Temperature and pore fluid pressure changes are included in the spontaneous calculation, different evolution laws for porosity are considered. Moreover, seismic spectra are determined.


15-09-05: Visitor n. 1000 connects to this Web Server.



Last Update: 24/11/2005

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